Pleased đi với giới từ gì?Pleasant đi với giới từ gì . Giới từ hay đi sau “pleased”nhất là “with”, about, with, by, at. Cùng tìm hiểu cách sử dụng Pleased và Pleasant

Please là gì?
Trong tiếng Anh, Please vừa là một cảm thán từ, vừa là một động từ.
Please là một cảm thán từ
Please là một cảm thán từ (thán từ) trong tiếng Anh, được dùng như phép lịch sự khi đề nghị hoặc yêu cầu điều gì đó.
Để dịch Please ra tiếng Việt thì có rất nhiều cách tùy thuộc vào ngữ cảnh của câu văn, ví dụ như: “được không ạ?”, “bạn vui lòng..?”, “đi mà”,…
Ví dụ:
- Could I have another drink, please?
Xin bạn cho tôi thêm một ly nữa nhé?
- Please remember to turn off the lights before you leave.
Xin hãy nhớ tắt đèn trước khi bạn rời đi.
- Put this cup in the cupboard for me, please.
Cất chiếc cốc này vào tủ cốc giúp tôi với.
- Jane is hard to please.
Rất khó để khiến Jane vui vẻ hài lòng.
Khi trong câu có các cụm từ như “whatever”, “whoever”, và “anywhere”, động từ Please sẽ mang nghĩa là thích, lựa chọn.
Ví dụ:
- Jack always does whatever he pleases.
Jack luôn làm bất cứ thứ gì cậu ấy thích.
- Don’t worry. You can go out with whoever you please.
Đừng lo. Bạn có thể đi chơi với bất kỳ ai bạn thích.
- Young people should go anywhere they please.
Những người trẻ nên đi tới bất kì nơi nào mà họ muốn.
Cấu trúc Please và cách dùng trong tiếng Anh
Khi Please là một cảm thán từ, vị trí và cách dùng của cấu trúc Please rất linh hoạt và còn mang nhiều sắc thái nghĩa khác nhau. Nội dung dưới đây sẽ giúp các bạn nắm chắc được cấu trúc này.
Cấu trúc Please dùng khi đề nghị, yêu cầu sự giúp đỡ
Khi dùng trong câu đề nghị Can, Could, Would, ta có thể thêm Please ở đầu, giữa hoặc cuối câu để thể hiện tính lịch sự.
Tuy nhiên, khi Please nằm giữa câu, mức độ yêu cầu của câu văn sẽ trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn.
Ví dụ:
- Could you repeat your question, please?
Bạn có thể nhắc lại câu hỏi được không ạ?
- Please could you hold these boxes for me?
Bạn có thể vui lòng giữ hộ tôi mấy chiếc hộp này với?
- Would you please lend me your notebook?
Bạn có thể vui lòng cho tôi mượn quyển sổ của bạn được không?
Ngoài ra, trong các trường hợp cần sự trịnh trọng hơn, ta có thể dùng cụm từ “if you please”. Lúc này, câu văn sẽ mang cảm giác rất lịch sự, hoặc cảm giác ngạc nhiên hoặc giận dữ trong một số tình huống.
Ví dụ:
- They want $150, if you please, to fix your keyboard! (ngạc nhiên)
Họ muốn tận 150 đô để sửa bàn phím của bạn!
Pleased đi với giới từ gì?
Giới từ hay đi sau “pleased”nhất là “with”, about, with, by, at. So, the first sentence using “with” is the best.
– Gwinn was pleased WITH the results.
Generally, we say “pleased with (something/someone)”. In the given sentence, “something” stands for “results”. “Pleased with” is used to tell someone that you are pleased with something they have done in order to express your approval. However, there are some sentences where there is overlapping in the choice of preposition. I have come across the following sentence in Collins Dictionary:
– I am very pleased about the result.
The adjective “pleased” can be followed by the prepositions with, at, about or for. To the best of my knowledge, there is no rule that helps in selecting the preposition after the adjective “pleased”. The appropriate preposition after “pleased” depends upon the rest of the prepositional phrase and the context of the sentence. I usually replace the adjective “pleased” with “disappointed” and “satisfied”. If the sentence still sounds okay, I opt for “with” after “pleased”.
Here are a few examples from a variety of sources, that should help in deciding the usual preposition after the adjective “pleased”
Pleased with
Pleased with something/somebody is used when expressing a feeling of happiness about something.
– He was pleased with his logic.
– I’m really pleased with your work this term.
– His master was so much pleased with him that he gave him his freedom.
– Neil’s teacher was pleased with his progress.
– Of course, not everybody was pleased with the outcome.
– John French was very pleased with third place after a season fighting a back injury.
– The reputed sportsman was evidently pleased with his honorary military designation and rank.
– I was pleased with the overall response and I think we collectively felt a modicum of relief.
– Dean was pleased with the opportunity.
– The governor was much pleased with this answer.
– The child was pleased with any toy that produced noise.
The use of “pleased with” is very common when the phrase is followed by a reflexive pronoun, e.g.
– Noel must have been feeling pretty pleased with himself on Tuesday night.(= happy and satisfied about something good that you have done or that has happened to you)
– You look rather pleased with yourself.
Pleased about
Pleased about something is used to refer to any act concerning or relating to a particular subject
– “And what is she so pleased about?” thought Nicholas, looking at his sister.
– Are you pleased about John’s promotion?
– Her parents were very pleased about her award.
– I could tell she was pleased about something.
– It was also apparent that she was pleased about their discord.
Pleased at
The preposition “at” is generally used to denote “time”. If the phrase after “pleased at” provides the answer to “when”, the use of expression “pleased at” is possible. Here are a few examples which provide the answer to “when”. So, the use of “pleased at” is correct:
– I was very pleased at discovering that.
– She was none too pleased at having to do it all again.
– Pierre chimed in, pleased at the arrival of the reinforcement.
– Was he pleased about/at the news?
– Nisha seemed pleased at the suggestion.
– He was pleased at the gratitude he received, but felt abashed at receiving it.
In my view, the use of “pleased with” is also correct in the last two sentences.
Pleased by
In my view, if you can substitute “pleased by” with “on account of” and the sentence is reasonably okay, the use of “pleased by” is correct. Here are a few examples:
– She was so pleased by praise from her professor that she blushed with pleasure.
– I was pleased by his candour.
– Were you pleased by our rather gruesome discovery?
– She was just as entranced, just as easily pleased by the world.
Pleased for
The phrase “pleased for” is used to say which person or thing your feelings of happiness are directed towards:
– That’s wonderful! I’m really pleased for you.
– I’m so pleased for him, because we have all gone through a lot recently”.
– And I’m pleased for John’s sake.
Phân biệt cách dùng pleased with
– We’re very pleased with the quality of his work.
Chúng tôi rất hài long với chất lượng công việc của anh ta.
(Không dùng *pleased from/of*)
Bài tập với cấu trúc please
Nếu thấy cấu trúc Please hơi “loằng ngoằng” một chút thì cũng đừng vội lo lắng nhé. Hãy đọc lại một lượt các ý chính ở trên và luyện tập với bài tập sau đây để xem mình đã hiểu đúng cấu trúc này chưa.
Bài 1: Hoàn thành câu đầy đủ với cấu trúc Please
1) can/ help/ me/ car?/ I/ not/ start.
2) order/ me/ steal/ potatoes.
3) to/ my friends/ go/ cinema/ them.
4) brother/ enjoy/ hang out/ whoever.
5) could/ open/ door/ me?
Đáp án tham khảo:
1) Can you help me with this car, please? I can’t start it.
2) Please order me the steak and potatoes.
3) To please my friends, I go to the cinema with them.
4) My brother enjoys hanging out with whoever he pleases.
5) Please could you open the door for me?
Bài 2: Đặt câu tiếng Anh với cấu trúc Please
1) Tôi có thể ngồi đây không? – Được, xin mời ngồi.
2) Xin hãy ngừng làm phiền tôi
3) Anh có thể cho tôi mượn 200 đô không?
4) Xin hãy chú ý rằng thẻ tín dụng không được chấp nhận.
5) Tôi muốn làm bạn gái vui nên đã mua một chiếc váy mới cho cô ấy.
Đáp án tham khảo:
1) Can I sit here? – Yes, please.
2) Please stop bothering me.
3) Could you possibly lend me $200?
4) Please note that credit cards are not accepted.
5) I want to please my girlfriend so I bought her a new dress.

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