Take responsibility đi với giới từ nào? là câu hỏi của rất nhiều người khi học tiếng Anh. Bài viết này, Ngolongnd sẽ giải đáp thắc mắc của các bạn.

Responsibility là gì?
Responsibility: something that it is your job or duty to deal with: là trách nhiệm/ nhiệm vụ
take/delegate/share responsibility
Responsibility đi với giới từ gì?
responsibility to do sth
As a board member, I have a responsibility to ask questions.
responsibility towards sb
We have a special responsibility towards our employees.
responsibility for sth
She will now assume responsibility for the Logistics Division.
Take responsibility là gì?
Nhận trách nhiệm là một cụm động từ được sử dụng để nhận biết và sửa chữa một cái gì đó sai, khi nào và ở đâu người gây ra sai lầm nhận thức được và sẵn sàng sửa chữa thiệt hại.
Chịu trách nhiệm bao gồm 6 giai đoạn và hành động
1. Nhận thức vấn đề
2. Trung thực nhìn nhận vấn đề gây ra
3. Dũng cảm công khai nhận trách nhiệm
4. Sẵn sàng sửa chữa những thiệt hại gây ra cho người bị ảnh hưởng
5. Công chúng cam kết tìm ra giải pháp Sửa chữa hư hỏng
6. Sau khi hư hỏng được sửa chữa, bạn cần “khiêm tốn ”để đưa ra một lời xin lỗi, biết rằng có thể có hoặc có thể không được tha thứ.
1. Awareness of the problem
2. Honesty to recognize the problem caused
3. Courage to publicly accept the responsibility
4. Willingness to repair the damage caused to the affected people
5. Public Commitment to find the solution to Repair the damage
6. After the damage is repaired, you need “humility” to offer an apology, knowingly that forgiveness may or may not be given.
1. I ask you to take responsibility for the way you drink alcohol.
2. I ask you to take responsibility of your wrongs.
3. I take responsibility for the bad design of the cookware.
Take responsibility đi với giới từ gì trong tiếng Anh?
Take responsibility for … = tự chịu trách nhiệm cho … / nhận trách nhiệm cho …
Hold somebody responsible for … = bắt ai đó chịu trách nhiệm cho …
take responsibility for (something)
- take responsibility for (oneself)
You’ve got to start to take responsibility for yourself!
- take responsibility for (one’s actions)
You need to learn to take responsibility for your own mistakes.
- take responsibility for (doing something wrong)
I think that, if anyone, Amy should be the one to take responsibility for losing the account.
Paraphrase từ “responsible” tiếng anh
1. take/assume/bear responsibility for something
- They bear/take full responsibility for any damage caused by their offspring
- They shoulder the entire responsibility for any damage caused by their offspring
2. be down to sb = chịu trách nhiệm
(to be someone’s responsibility or decision)
- It’s down to me to find a suitable person for the job.
3. be in charge of sth
4. to bear/take/get the blame for something
5. to be to blame for something
6. to be responsible/accountable/answerable to somebody
7. to hold sb responsible
Bài tập
Như thường lệ, đến lúc thử xem bạn hiểu bài tới đâu bằng cách làm bài tập rồi! Sau khi làm, bạn hãy kiểm tra đáp án và tự chấm điểm, sau đó đọc lại các kiến thức ở phần đã làm sai để nhớ bài hơn nhé.
1. Điền cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:
The park service asks visitors to behave _______ and show respect for wildlife.
A. responsibly
B. responsible
C. responsibility
D. responsibilities
2. English Reading Practice
Human Right Number 29:
1. Watch the video at the top of the page.
2. Read the story “Responsibility” just below it.
3. Do the exercise at the bottom of the page.
Here is the Responsibility video. You can watch it in your own language at www.youthforhumanrights.org. (Simply click the word “language” at the top of their homepage.)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes 30 basic rights that each person has, simply because he or she is human.
This is human right number 29 (the simplified version):
“29. Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.”
Now read the short story about this important human right.
Collin is new at Portland High School. He does not know anyone there.
He does not know his way around the building and gets lost easily. So, he is late for one of his classes. As he hurries, he drops his bag and some of his things fall out.
Some bullies see this happen and start to make fun of him. As he tries to pick up his books, one of the bullies kicks them out of the way so that Collin cannot reach them.
Another accidently kid runs into Collin and knocks him over. The bullies laugh.
Then Simon, a senior, interrupts them. “I think that is enough,” he says.
The bullies stop and look at him. Simon is a popular student. He is good at football, so the bullies respect him.
“Do not pick on this kid. Go to class.” The bullies turn and go away.
Collin sees all of this and does not believe his eyes. He says to Simon, “Wow, that is impressive man. You really helped me out here.”
Simon says, “Thanks. When we see stuff like this, we have to say something. We all have the responsibility to protect the rights and freedom of others.”
Then Simon helps Collin pick up his things, and shows him to his classroom. Collin, in return, takes this lesson home and helps other new students.
And now, practice:
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